Friendship grows in different ways.

Sometimes it starts at party. You’re invited by the host but you don’t know anyone else. You sit by yourself, desperately hoping someone talks to you. Then comes a surprise! You make a new friend because you find someone you have something in common with. You follow up that first meeting with coffee at Starbucks and the friendship is on its way.

Perhaps you’ve moved into a new neighborhood. You’re out mowing your lawn or shoveling ice off your sidewalk and chat a little. A new family greets you on the first Halloween. Perhaps your dog digs under the fence. Your doorbell rings and surprise! You make a new friend.

You start a new job. Your first days are filled just trying to learn; trying to fit in. A new situation comes up you have no idea how to handle. You reach out for help. Friendly people give you advice. Then they invite you to lunch at the nearby Taco Truck. And they pay! 😊

Attending a new church is always hard. Your mind fills with questions. “Is this a good church?” “Is this the right church for me?” “Will anyone even say hello?” After the service you find yourself in the middle of a group of people who always go out to lunch after service and suddenly you’re invited too.  Remember, this is your very first week! Then it happens again the next week and the week after that. Before you know it a whole group of guys show up at your new home to empty your U-Haul. Talk about a miracle!!

Is there a set plan to make a new friend? From my experience, I would have to say a resounding “No.” The only advice I have is to actually leave your house. Be willing to talk to someone: anyone. I have talked to people at Lowe’s, at the grocery store, at a dog show, at a park: just to name a few places. Be open to sharing a little piece of yourself. Be willing to listen. Actually, that’s a big part. Sometimes you’ll make a new friend and sometimes you just find someone to pass the time with in a long return line. Either way it’s a good thing.

So: get out there and give it a try!