Thanksgiving means something
Different to all around the table.
For some it means a lot of food –
You eat as much as you are able.
The first occasion was a contemplation
Because our country was brand-new.
Enduring through the hardest times,
Rejoicing in friends both old and new.
How those new friends supported the survivors
by making possible a simple feast and
After so much struggle and loneliness
The Pilgrims were there in this new land.
Has that changed for you and me?
Have we struggled, been full of despair?
Loss, success, good moments or bad,
Times spent on our knees in prayer?
Now we gather together in modern homes
Expressing what we’re most thankful for:
Looking forward in gratitude because of
Health, jobs, family, friends, so much more?
Take a moment or two around the table
To remember how our country began.
People leaving all for their belief in God;
Sacrificing their life for truth: taking a stand.
Across the world today people stand up
To believe in God, making a sacrifice
Of comfort, home, certainty and
Leaving behind home, peace, maybe life.
Wars and rumors of war are heard
Will the strong destroy they attack?
Will it impact your comfortable life?
Do you believe it’s real or only abstract?
Be thankful in our blessed country
Those sacrifices are not required of us.
The time may come to make a choice
Between our life or to deny “in God we trust.”