Close your eyes while Fall
Leaves, snowflakes lie in silent death
Let summer air fill your lungs:
Take in a deep, long breath.
Dark skies above your head
Are full of radiant stars
Named by ancient peoples
Constellations placed in inky tar.
They follow the commands of
The seasons and the wind.
The sun by day; the moon by night
Dancing the same rhythms once and again.
If you listen closely might you hear the wind
Playing a tune as each star leaps in time.
Never a step is missed through centuries
As each star finds its place in line.
Keep your eyes closed: no peeking
the brush of owl’s wings close by.
The squeak of a mouse, its frightened prey
Swoosh! Dinner is caught tonight.
Listen to the crickets’ serenade.
Open your eyes to the fireflies
Gliding, dancing, on and off,
Children giggle as they pass by.
“Look! I’ve caught one!
Peek into my hands!
Get him in the jar…
Oh, he’s free again!”
Lovers wander hand in hand
Sharing each their dream.
Poised on the edge of their future
Nothing will be the same again.
The sounds of the night
With eyes opened or closed
Bring a special magic
That never seems to grow old.